Drama, and I Don’t Mean Theatre

Hi you guys!

I think I mentioned that I have 2 step children, and they both love to write and express themselves creatively. This makes things really fun and a it’s a great way for us to connect.

When they heard I was starting a blog, they of course wanted to be involved. Maddie had some fun ideas and Max (he’s 7) wrote about penguins- which I will post soon as it’s too cute not to. This is one of the reasons I added this “Friend’s Edition” category.

With that, here is our first post.

Today in Friend’s Edition….My step-daughter, Madelynn, takes on the drama that can plague us in life but especially in middle school. Who are we kidding, it really never ends.

Here is Madelynn in her own words.

Whether you’re in middle school now, like myself, or those years are behind you, you know that drama stinks, and it is not always easy to deal with. Here are some tips to stay out of it or avoid it altogether.

Tip #1 : If you did something wrong, come clean and apologize.

For example, let’s say you told your friend Lilly something your friend Rosie told you, and Rosie found out. If I just apologize right when I get caught, chances are my consequences are going to be a lot easier. Or say you told Lilly “you look silly today” and I meant it as a joke, but she took it as an insult. Instead of you just getting mad and defensive, apologize. Tell them that you are sorry you hurt their feelings and didn’t mean it that way.

Tip #2: Don’t share your opinion of others too openly.

I understand being an open book and wanting to share your things. However, that doesn’t mean that you should go tell your friend Shelly about your feelings for your friend Addie. Unless Shelly is your best friend and you tell her everything. But, you will get in so much more drama if you just tell anybody anything about anyone. That goes along with who you trust. Don’t just trust the next person you see. Trust the people that have been your friend for years.

Tip #3: Surround yourself with non-gossips and non-dramatic people.

If you are friends with all the drama queens and gossips, then one of two things will happen. You will either become one of them, a gossip, or you will get pulled into all of the drama with them. I am not saying that by separating yourself from them, 10 seconds later you will be drama free. When you first distance yourself, for the first week or two, there will be drama between you and the gossips. There will also be a little tension. That doesn’t mean it won’t get better. I promise you it will.

Tip #4: Get yourself a best friend.

Now this might seem off topic, but it’s really not. If you have a best friend who knows when you’re joking, who keeps all of your secrets, who is not a gossip and who will stand by you no matter what, it makes life a lot easier and drama WAY easier to get through. 

About Madelynn:

My name is Madelynn Coy.  I am a 6th grader and live in Clayton, IN.  I love to do cheer and theater.  I am a competitive cheerleader for Elite Skyhawks on youth 1.  I like to write, and I love history.  Melanie is my step-mom.  Oh yeah!  I have divorced parents, and I am the oldest of 4 kids. My brother (Melanie’s step son), my sister, and my step-brother.  I love my friends so much!  I am so glad I to get to write for you!