Ella’s Birth Story

Ella’s Birth Story

Hope. Hope after years of trying. Hope for others who are still waiting for their miracle. Hope during a pandemic. You my baby, you are hope.

Ella Kathleen Coy forever changed our lives on April 6th, 2020 at 4:16 pm. After 4 years of trying naturally, moving into IUI’s and IVF (more here), consulting multiple doctors, taking so many meds, injecting myself with hormones, lots of tears, multiple losses, and the realization that I may never be a mother; Ella made me a mom. After everything we endured, Trent and I conceived naturally after making the tough decision to put a baby on hold.

Ella’s birth story is probably not unlike others, except for she was born during a deadly pandemic. And me giving birth is an experience I wasn’t sure I’d get to have. I feel so blessed to be able to share her birth story with you all.

On April 5, I was talking to my mom (she is staying with us) and Trent, when I felt some water drip down my leg. I wasn’t sure if I had peed a little or if my water was breaking. About an hour later, I was napping when I got up. I felt a big whoosh or flush of fluid and knew I didn’t pee myself. I was now almost certain our little lady was coming. Side note- earlier that day, I was feeling quite bored due to social distancing, and I told Ella she could come now. Here we are…water breaking. I called the doctor and she said to come in after dinner unless I started having intense contractions. At this point, I felt nothing. Trent grilled salmon, and we took some photos, hugged Dakota, then loaded up the car and headed toward the hospital. Before leaving there were some tears as I knew our lives were never going to be the same.

Upon arriving at IU North in Carmel, Indiana, we only had the option of one entrance. It was the ER. This was especially scary due to Covid-19. We put on our masks and carefully approached the entrance. A nurse came outside, screened us, and then took us a special way that was away from those with respiratory symptoms. Yet, I think I held my breath the whole way  the elevator.

We arrived to the labor and delivery floor and were escorted into a room where they checked if my water had actually broken. The nurse was so wonderful and made me feel so comfortable. After confirming my water broke, they checked to see how many cm I was dilated. 1 cm. 1 measly cm. This meant I would have to be induced potentially.

Here is a timeline of how everything went down from here.

9 pm-ish: Gave me an IV and began pitocin to get contractions moving.

10 pm-ish: contractions had started. They monitored progress and realized my cervix was not softening.

April 6, 12 pm-ish: took me off pitocin and gave me an oral drug to help soften cervix and get those contractions going, and they went on all night. It was like intense period cramps, but like 10 times more intense. Trent was there talking me thru the pain. I also opted in for some pain meds. Per my birth plan, this was a no-no…ha ha…that went out the window. I will say, have a plan, but be ready to go to plan B…and C, D and E.

6 am- It was time for the magic of the epidural. I do recommend it 100%. I had no issues with the administration of it, however, my blood pressure did drop, and I vomited a couple of times. While that sucked and was a little scary, the epidural kicked in nicely!  I could still feel my legs a bit, but they say that is the way it should be these days.

As the day went on, things did get tough, because I did have some back labor. This is the stuff nightmares are made of and the epidural doesn’t help back labor. I am not a crier and have a pretty high pain tolerance, yet there I was with tears streaming down my face and Trent massaging my back as each contraction came on stronger than the other. We listened to Adele and Sia to help relax me. The nurse kept checking on me, and I was finally dilating…and quickly. To help the pain, the nurse placed me in different positions to try to move Ella off of my back. It took a few hours, but it worked! It was probably about 3:00 pm when I was 9cm dilated. They said Dr. Pease would be in soon, and we would start pushing.

I was so scared! But so ready! At 3:30 Dr. Pease came in and they prepared me for a couple hours of pushing, as that is the average. I was like, oh heck NO! We are getting this baby out of me.  They unveiled the tray of what looked like torture devices, but she said she wasn’t going to have to use any. Sigh of relief, but how did she know??? She and the nurse suited up, because with Covid they were required to wear a lot more protective equipment than usual.

Trent and my nurse stood on either side of me. The nurse told me how the pushing would work as each contraction came, I would give 3 big pushes, one right after the other and then rest until the next contraction. I used the monitor and the pressure of each contraction as my guide. I pushed with all of my might. Ironically, this part didn’t really hurt, it was just like a crazy intense workout. I had Trent, the nurse and Dr. Pease cheering me on. With each push, Ella got closer and closer. Trent could see her head and starting cheering me on even more.

After about 35 minutes, Ella made her way into the world. Seeing her, and knowing this was real was surreal. Well, it was the most amazing moment of my entire life!!! Holding her for the first time, I cried the happiest tears and tears of relief. Relief that I did it, and relief that she made it and she was perfect!

This experience has forever changed me. I never knew a love so full.  Every day it feels as if my heart is going to burst open. I feel so lucky on this Mother’s Day to have my miracle baby. The one I prayed, hoped and wished for. Ella, thank you for making me a mom!!!

I thank you all for joining me on this journey, and to all of you on Mother’s Day, I hope you find peace and happiness.  Whether you have a child, lost a child, lost a mother, or are waiting to be a mother.   Maybe you have a strained relationship with your mother. Regardless, I want you to feel a sense of hope from my story!

Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. 5.11.20
    Dawn Hollowell said:

    I am so thrilled for you and Trent, and Ella is beautiful!

    • 6.10.20

      Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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