Friday 5: Top 5 WLM Posts

Good morning and happy Friday! Today for my Friday 5: Top 5 WLM Posts, yep it’s Friday Y-A-Y, I am rounding up my 5 favorite blog posts published on WLM thus far. Of course this decision did not come easy; but nonetheless, I came up with 5 that have resonated with me and made this blogging journey all worthwhile.

  1. It’s Official, I am a Lifestyle Blogger– This is my very first blog post ever! So it is obviously a very special post. I was SO scared to officially go live. Looking back, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. If you are contemplating starting a blog, traveling to that exotic destination, buying those shoes, or starting that new job; just go for it. You will regret the chances you didn’t take, not the one’s you do.
  2. Safer Skincare and Beautycounter All about my decision to switch to safer skincare and why I LOVE Beautycounter. This is truly a mission for me. Do you really know what you are putting on your skin? Check it out…
  3. Our Journey Through Infertility– This post is dear to my heart as it where I first really exposed myself. I’d probably say this has been my favorite post of all time. I had so many women come out and share their experiences as well. It gave us a place to be vulnerable, safe and feel a sense of togetherness. Knowing I helped one person makes sharing so worth it. Since then, I have written a couple more posts about our journey (here and here). I have more coming next week.
  4. But it’s just a picture- Most of you know my husband is also my photographer. This is his post (on Friend’s Edition) all about how he learned and continues to learn how to take great phots. He is truly talented and I would absolutely not be doing this today without him. Thanks, boo!
  5. Adopting a Dog by the Rescue Runway– My girl Christine, of the Rescue Runway, highlights what to think about when adopting a dog. She is simply amazing for all of the work she does with animal shelters. A true world changer.


Bonus!!! My favorite Outfit Post: Playing Tourist for the Day-  This was one of my first posts and I adore everything about this outfit. White jeans, blush on blush on blush with an edgy leather jacket. Swoon!

Have a great weekend!