January Update

January Update:

Hello hello!

How is everyone? I figured I’d give you an update on my month so far and what we have been up to.

Over the last few weeks, I have been going hard at Whole30, while finding fun ways to make foods I love healthier and edible (under the plan). A few of my favorite recipes are hereand I will share a couple others later this week. It’s amazing how much better I feel! I did cheat a little over the weekend, because I had a procedure Friday and wanted some comfort food. Other than that, I have stuck to it and am back on the wagon as of Monday.

This past weekend was kind of a bust since I couldn’t do too much. We did manage to watch the entire season of the Handmaid’s Tale. Ummmmm, I am obsessed. I ordered the book as well. It’s so interesting the intersection and poignancy of that show and the state of the world today. Kinda creepy…

Earlier this month, I visited with my friend Libby and her new little baby, Leonie. She is the sweetest and such a blessing. It was nice catching up with Libby. We cooked dinner and watched Sex in the City. Haha…I could spend all my days this way. Babies, Carrie Bradshaw and food!

Another fun discovery is that we have a resident raccoon around our building. A city raccoon, we named Bandit. Who would have thunk it.

Trent has been traveling a lot for work, and I have been fully engaged as well. I am determined to get really organized by the end of this month. I really want to set up this year for success. We are off to a good start with some of the health stuff, but now I need to get my other goals moving. It’s amazing how fast January is moving.

All and all this has been a pretty relaxing (uneventful and boring) month. With the snowy weather and cold temps, I have not wanted to be outside much. We did manage to be out and about a couple weeks ago and snapped these photos. I love a beret and a blanket scarf. Winter clothes can be cute, but only when the weather is reasonable. Most of the time, it is windy, cold and miserable. But, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. #GodblessMay.

We did book a trip to the Sunshine State in February. Really looking forward to that. Otherwise, we are in hibernation mode.

Anyone else been basically hibernating? I guess this is the time to do it. Before we know it summer will be here, and I’ll be scratching my head wondering how time flew by so fast.

Outfit Deets:

Beret | Scarf is old- here and here are similar | Jacket is old- similar here | OTK Boots– on sale. These fit great and are really comfy.| Top– this comes in a bunch of colors and can be off the shoulder too. It is so soft, versatile but it runs big. Size down. | Purse- only left in silver and blush. Blush would be great for spring. | Jeans– My fave pair!