Picnic in Lincoln Park

A month or so ago, Trent and I had a lovely picnic in Lincoln Park. Our spread was amazing and definitely worth sharing…even if it is a little late.

It was one of those perfect days. You know those days where the sun is the perfect kind of warm, the birds are chirping but it sounds like singing, and there is no place you’d rather be than outside??? Well, that was THIS day. We even cancelled our Summer House reservation to picnic instead.

When packing a picnic, I like to include a variety of options to graze on while enjoying the lakeside. We included 5 different cheese varieties, some meats, fresh berries, an amazing raspberry and jalapeno spread, caprese salads on a stick, olives, french bread, chocolate chip cookies, Pellegrino with fresh limes and a bottle of red. It was the perfect combination and Dakota approved.

Dakota hung out, played fetch, rolled around in the dirt and enjoyed the sunshine. She made friends with other dogs as our meal was attracting a lot of canine attention. Luckily, Dakota is so well behaved and knew that in due time she’d get a treat.

My favorite was the goat cheese with the raspberry jalapeno spread on the french bread. I also loved the cookies! YUM! Trent enjoyed the olives, meats and vino the most. I am on a no drinking kick due to the infertility treatments.  I cannot wait to have some good wine again.

Being lakeside in Lincoln Park is one of the most beautiful spots in all if the city. Being from Florida, I need water around me so the coastal feel is perfect. We are so fortunate to only live about a block from the park and spend a lot of time here in the warmer months. Dakota loves it too!

Laying around, soaking up the sun for a few hours was exactly what I needed in my life. Winter gets so damn depressing. Having these warmer days really boosts my mood and overall productivity.

Maybe plan a picnic for this coming weekend? Let me know what you bring. Also, if anyone has a picnic basket recommendation, please share.

Have a great Thursday!