White Jeans and Dakota

White Jeans and Dakota

white jeans and dakota

white jeans and dakota

white jeans and Dakota

white jeans and Dakota

white jeans and Dakota

An essential is defined as a thing that is absolutely necessary. Two things that are always on my list of “essentials” are a pair of white jeans and Dakota (my pup).

It is a trend that has stood the test of time and cleanliness keeping with a classic look. I seriously pair them with everything. Oh, and even with Labor Day quickly approaching, these white jeans will not be condemned to a hibernation period. Nope, they will be winterized (my own word).

As for Dakota, she loves me in white jeans or pretty much any jeans. She is my bestie. I know. I know…get a life. But seriously, the love of a dog is like no other.

I remember seeing her sweet little face for the first time outside of Pet Smart at an adoption event when I was still living in Florida. I got this feeling in my stomach, kinda like butterflies, and knew that we were meant for each other. I quickly filled out the paperwork and made arrangements to visit her at her foster family’s house. The rest is pretty much history. I will say that my poor pup wasn’t in tip-top shape. She had a UTI and worms. UGH! After a visit to the vet and some meds, she was A-OK!

Dakota is now 6 years old and is seriously a supreme canine in my book. She is so well behaved, a total bed hog snuggle bug, super mellow and truly my shadow. I can’t even go to the bathroom for 2 seconds without her following me. It’s quite silly really. You know what else is silly, not owning a pair of white jeans.

With summer coming to an end (noooooooooooo) there will be a lot of sales on white jeans. In fact, the ones I am wearing are only $26. As someone who is a little curvy and has some junk in the trunk, it can be hard to find the perfect white jeans. These however, fit perfectly. Grab a pair ASAP! Have a great hump day!

Shop the rest of my outfit (similar styles) below.




  1. 8.23.17

    I LOVE white jeans and couldn’t agree more that they don’t need to be put to rest because Labor Day is coming! And Dakota is they cutest!

    • 8.23.17

      Yes, it’s not fun to follow the rules! We will revolt and wear our white jeans year round! Glad you’re with me. LOL! Dakota wants to meet Addie soon. 🙂

  2. 8.23.17
    Christine said:

    Oh Dakota you sweet thing! They always say the dog picks you…I totally agree. Loved reading how you found her!

    • 8.24.17

      She totally picked me. My soul mate…don’t tell Trent. LOL

  3. 8.24.17
    Melissa said:

    so pretty Melly! I love your hair up too! White jeans were something I avoided for a long time but I embrace them like no other now!

    • 8.24.17

      Thank you! Same here re: jeans. I thought I was too hippy (not in the flower child way lol) but once you find a good pair, they are the best!

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